Kim Jong-il, the North Korean dictator(as rest of the word call him), who died on Saturday aged 69, presided over the systematic impoverishment and starvation of millions of his people, while enjoying the life of a spoiled playboy – fast cars, fast women, cellars of vintage French wines, and a passion for Rambo and Daffy Duck videos. Although he is usually greeted as 'Dear Leader' in his country. Nobody knows the truth even after his death(as per some news,he is not dead) as North Korea is an elusive nation and outside media is almost unable to penetrate inside news.North Korea and Kim Jong il was and still surrounded by speculations.Everything about him like his love for movies and french wines are came to be known from his chefs and certain people from outside world who may have traveled with him in his luxurious train,it is said that he abhors air travel,he is phobic to airplane travel.China & Russia was the only nation known to media he traveled outsid...
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